2015 Special Humanitarian Award Winners
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Special Humanitarian Award
Tribute to
The volunteers of the Red Cross Society of Guinea, the Liberian Red Cross Society, and the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society
In recognition of their exemplary dedication to humanitarian work in response to outbreak of the Ebola virus, the Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent has unanimously agreed to bestow the Special Humanitarian Award on the volunteers of the National Societies of the three countries most severely affected: the Red Cross Society of Guinea, the Liberian Red Cross Society and the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society. The Safe and Dignified Burial Teams deserve especial mention for their tremendous courage and outstanding commitment to life-saving work.
By giving this award the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is expressing its deep admiration for the courage, perseverance and commitment of all the volunteers in all the countries affected by the disease.
Geneva, 8 December 2015
Greg Vickery
Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent

I dream of a Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement that has global moral authority and can call the attention of the world to humanitarian issues of concern, a Movement, which independently chooses which issues to focus on.
Henry Dunant